Thursday, December 27, 2012

Another issue with other Sunny's other Fps - Forums

I don't think I commented on these people in your other thread (though I read the whole WIC debate and the underfeeding), but I have to say...

It is so unfair of me to judge from a few message board posts, but these people sound like they are in it for the "high" of helping, for the attention it brings them, and how it makes them feel. When fostering doesn't bring enough accolades, they foster FTT kiddos, when that doesn't bring enough accolades, they add surrogates to the mix, when that's not enough, they continue taking on kids when everyone says they shouldn't -- because it shows that no sacrifice is too great to get in the way of their heroism/martyrdom.

Like I said, it's unfair of me to judge, but that's what I hear this miasma.


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